
stulit från annan blogg. här:

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense.


How are you feeling today?
Abused - Elliott Smith
How do your friends see you?
The black gate is closed - Howard Shore
Will you get married?
Accidentally in love - Counting crows
What is your best friend's theme song?
Harry Potter - Innan frukost
What is the story of your life?
Serve the servants - Nirvana
What was high school like?
Old soul song - Bright eyes
How can you get ahead in life?
Take a walk on the wild side - Lou Reed
What is the best thing about your friends?
Freewheel burning - Judas Priest
What is tonight going to be like?
Zemanim - Rashanim
What is in store for the remainder of this weekend?
More than this - Roxy music
What song describes you?
Hapiness - Elliott Smith
To describe your grandparents?
Delivering the goods - Judas Priest
How is your life going?
Californication - Red hot chili peppers
What song will they play at your funeral?
On the run - Judas Priest
How does the world see you?
Maniac - Michael Sembello
Will you have a happy life?
Can i play with madness - Iron Maiden
What do your friends really think of you?
Brain damage (mix) - Pink Floyd (En mixad hjärnskada. quite correct)
Do people secretly lust after you?
Tribute to Linn - Anna Ternheim
How can I make myself happy?
Welcome to the united states - Frank zappa
What should you do with your life?
I belong to you - Lenny Kravitz
Will you ever have children?
Kids in america - Kim Wilde

gjorde den här en gång tidigare men då blev det rätt tråkiga resultat. förutom att "Brain damage" av pink floyd kom på "What do your friends think of you?"

den här gången tyder det mycket på att jag ska flytta till USA. Jag är på väg till Kalifornien, där kommer jag vara lycklig och välkommen och skaffa "kids in america". Jag kommer att "accidentally" bli kär och gifta mig. och för att ta mig framåt i livet måste jag "take a walk on the wild side". dvs, flytta till kalifornien? Och något spännande kommer hända i helgen.


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